
Patriotism over humanity || मानवता के ऊपर देशभक्ति || Speech by Kajal Sah, Kolkata

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Patriotism over humanity || मानवता के ऊपर देशभक्ति || Speech by Kajal Sah, Kolkata. Humanity is above any boundary or prejudice, whereas patriotism is loyalty to one particular country or place where we live.

Patriotism is essentially a feeling of national pride and a readiness to sacrifice own belongings for the greater good of the nation. It is critical for the holistic growth of a nation because it helps in social integration on a national level. Patriotism in most cases is not mutually exclusive with humanity. 

When there’s a motivation to do good for the nation, it automatically includes its inhabitants. But when there’s a clash between the two, then patriotism should prevail, but subject to humanity. Patriotism is an emotion, and emotion can be used as a means for vested interests, including terrorism in some cases. Thus, although patriotism is important, it should not go counter to humanity.

Given that patriotism is essentially a feeling, it cannot be enforced using coercive means. It should be ingrained from within. In order to do this, citizens must be educated and given adequate knowledge about the nation, its history, geography, and its various achievements. This way, the feeling of patriotism would emerge intrinsically among the citizens.

Patriotism over humanity

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