
Simang Presentations Live in Banners Making Centre Tangla

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Tangla, 14 Apr 2023: Simang Presentations Live in Banners Making Centre Tangla, Bannersares a type of online advertisement that is displayed on websites, social media platforms, and mobile apps. They come in various sizes, shapes, and formats, and are used by advertisers to promote their products or services to potential customers. In this article, we'll take a closer look at banners, their history, types, and benefits.

History of Banners

Banners have been used as a form of advertising since the early days of the Internet. The first banner ad appeared in 1994 on HotWired, a website that later became Wired.com. The ad was a simple banner with the words "Have you ever clicked your mouse right here?" and was designed to promote AT&T's new "You Will" advertising campaign.

Since then, banners have evolved into more sophisticated and interactive forms of advertising, with the introduction of animated banners, rich media banners, and video banners. They have become an essential part of online advertising and are used by businesses of all sizes to reach their target audiences.

Types of Banners

Banners come in different types and sizes, and the choice of banner type depends on the advertiser's goals and budget. Here are some of the most common banner types:

Static Banners: These are the simplest form of banner ads that consist of a single image and text. They are often used for brand awareness campaigns and are the least expensive type of banner ad.

Animated Banners: These are similar to static banners but include some form of animation, such as a flashing message or rotating images. Animated banners are more eye-catching than static banners and can be used to create more engaging ads.

Rich Media Banners: These interactive banner ads allow users to engage with the content. They can include features such as videos, games, and surveys, and are designed to provide a more immersive advertising experience.

Video Banners: These are banner ads that include a video. They can be in-stream, meaning they play before or after the main video content, or out-stream, meaning they play within the content of a webpage.

Benefits of Banners

Banners offer several benefits to advertisers, including:

Increased Brand Awareness: Banners are a great way to increase brand awareness and get your brand in front of potential customers. They can be used to showcase your brand's logo, messaging, and products or services.

Cost-Effective: Banners are one of the most cost-effective forms of advertising, especially when compared to other traditional advertising methods such as TV or print ads.

Targeted Advertising: Banners can be targeted to specific audiences based on factors such as age, location, interests, and behavior. This allows advertisers to reach the right people with their message and increase the chances of conversion.

Measurable Results: Banners are trackable, which means advertisers can measure their performance and adjust their campaigns accordingly. This helps to optimize the ROI of banner campaigns.

Flexibility: Banners can be used for a variety of advertising purposes, from brand awareness campaigns to product launches and promotions. They can also be easily updated and changed as needed.
Simang Presentations Live in Banners Making Centre Tangla

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