
The page is missing metalanguage information.

This error should not occur But I am seeing errors in Bing Webmaster: The page is missing metalanguage information.

Recommended action

Use <meta http-equiv='content-language' content='en-gb'> tag in the <head> section of your page, where 'en-gb' stands for the culture code of the language and country/region the content applies to. Alternatively use the lang='en-gb' attribute on either the <html> or the <title> tag .



    <meta http-equiv='content-language' content='en-gb'>


The page is missing metalanguage information.

 How do I add a meta language tag?

Image result for how to solve blogger Meta Language tag missing

The "content-language" tag is a meta tag in the <head> of an HTML document that states the language and country in which a page's content is most relevant. When setting the language, follow the 2-letter ISO 639 language code, just as you would for the HTML language tag.

How do you add meta tags to Blogger?

Go to the point you placed your cursor at in the Blogger HTML code and paste the meta tags by pressing "Ctrl-V" or choosing "Edit" and then "Paste" from your browser menu. Click the "Save Template" button under the HTML text field for your blog. Your blog template will be updated to include the meta tags.

How do I find a missing meta description on a website?

Navigate to the SEO --> Site Auditor dashboard module. Click "Missing Meta Description" to see more information about which URLs have been flagged with this issue.

What is a metatag in Blogger?

Meta tags are snippets of text that describe a page's content; the meta tags don't appear on the page itself, but only in the page's source code. Meta tags are essentially little content descriptors that help tell search engines what a web page is about.

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