
Senior Citizens and Children, young and old people spend together

Watch the video on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/Lq5D9UU34KY

The more time young and senior people spend together, the more both parties benefit. Children have a warm and infectious energy, which can help to bring so much joy to the elderly. In fact, research shows that connecting youths with seniors can help to boost confidence, increase communication and improve memory.

A primary distinction between the two is that youth typically dwells in the future, while old people may live in the past. When talking to an older person, they may reflect on the past or on memories of when they were younger.

An important habit to learn from seniors is to be kind and humble. The elderly will always remind you that you don't know what others are going through. Just observing some older people in our lives can help us empathize with others in various situations.

What is generational conflict? Generational conflict is the discord that arises when one generation's values, beliefs, and behaviors clash with those of another. This type of conflict is often seen in the workplace, as different generations have different work styles and communication styles.

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1.   Spend time with them (and listen intently). Many seniors get lonely, whether they're retired and no longer have their work social schedule, or they're lost their spouse and some friends. ...
2.   Be polite. ...
3.   Ask for advice. ...
4.   Eat together. ...
5.   Discuss family heritage, history, and traditions.
We only expect our elders to be a harmonious blend of a carefree friend as well as an encouraging guide to advise us, turn an attentive ear to our problems, and then leave our ambitions to our own rather than trying to continue with their age-old ideas and imprint the same on us. Most of all, we need trust.

Seniors do housework, home maintenance, and yard work — not just for themselves, but for others as well. They provide transportation or run errands for others. They provide emotional support and friendship, like the senior who looks in on a house-bound friend to make sure that everything is alright and stays for a chat.

The generation gap is a difference in values and attitudes between one generation and another, especially between young people and their parents. These differences stem from older and younger people not understanding each other because of their differences in experiences, opinions, habits, and behavior.

Age is one big reason for the natural gap between generations. However, the major issue arrives due to the mental gap in terms of thinking patterns & current trends. Children believe that they are grown-ups and it is high time for them to be independent. This helps them to gain more self-esteem.

Generation gaps are caused by increased life expectancy, rapid changes in society, and the mobility of society.
Respecting your elders is crucial, with older relatives being seen as great sources of advice. That also means that seniors expect younger family members to listen to them when making any kind of decision that affects the family. They play a major role in looking after children while the parents go to work as well.

They bring experiential knowledge of just about every problem a human being can go through. People from their teens to middle age will find that the roadmap for life elders provide can help them take a new look at their own situations and to choose new ways of living that will make them happier.

It's important to listen to your elders, especially those that suffer from dementia because what they have to say may be the last thing they'll say to you. Even if they're repeating the same story, that story may be all they're able to say and maybe there's something else they'd like you to hear.

Older adults are labeled with negative statements such as; wrinkled, cranky, crotchety, inattentive, forgetful, fragile, feeble, stuck in the past, past their prime, or a burden on society. There are a lot of factors that may be responsible for the modern-day perception of the elderly.

In this fast-paced society where money is a scarce resource, it is indeed difficult for families to find sufficient time and capital to care for the elderly. Therefore, the elderly may be seen as a burden to their families.

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