
Elephant Reaching Human Village by Looking their food. No Forest No Food for Animals in This Earth.

Elephant Reaching Human Village by Looking their food. No Forest No Food for Animals in This Earth.

Elephants can be described as either eating machines or manure manufacturers, depending on their activity at the time.

Elephants are non-ruminant herbivores. They do not chew the cud, ruminate or belch as ruminant animals (e.g. cattle, bison, goats, deer) do. 

Instead, they produce methane gas – LOTS AND LOTS OF GAS. Properly equipped, a car could travel 20 miles on the amount of methane produced by one elephant in a single day.

Watch the video on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/U8yCMXisoRg
Elephant Reaching Human Village by Looking their food. No Forest No Food for Animals in This Earth. 

Elephants can be described as either eating machines or manure manufacturers, depending on their activity at the time.

Elephants are non-ruminant herbivores. They do not chew the cud, ruminate or belch as ruminant animals (e.g. cattle, bison, goats, deer) do. Instead, they produce methane gas – LOTS AND LOTS OF GAS. Properly equipped, a car could travel 20 miles on the amount of methane produced by one elephant in a single day.
Elephants may feed for up to 16 hours a day. In the wild one animal can consume as much as 600 pounds of food in a single day, although 250 – 300 pounds is a more typical amount. 
Elephant Reaching Human Village by Looking their food. No Forest No Food for Animals in This Earth.
In a zoo, a typical adult elephant may eat 4-5 bales of hay and 10 – 18 pounds, or 4.5 to 8 kg, of grain a day. This amounts to a yearly quantity of more than 29,000 kg of hay and 2700 kg of feed per animal.

The normal daily water consumption is 25 – 50 gallons per animal or 100 – 200 liters.

Elephants digest their food with less than 50% efficiency. The massive amount eaten coupled with an inefficient digestive system means lots of manure – LOTS AND LOTS OF MANURE. 
An elephant defecates from 12 to 15 times a day, a daily quantity of 220 – 250 pounds. This adds up to a yearly quantity of over 85,000 pounds of manure, more than 40 tons, per adult elephant.

No food for elephants in the jungle(Forest). They look for their food in the human village area. But men are not to allow them to stay with the human being area!

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