
Image of Nitamoni, Tangla Best Banners, and Posture done here

Watch the video on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/wwHfVLXhhZ8

Flex material is softer and more flexible than vinyl. Flex material can be printed on and recolored using specialized industrial printers. These printers basically operate like any other inkjet mechanism, but the printers are designed specifically to accept flex material.

The difference between flex and vinyl is Unlike vinyl printing, flex is more flexible and softer. These banners are made using special printers that look like normal inkjets but have the capability of printing flex materials. After printing, your sign maker will use heat to attach the flex material to your final product.

Flex printing is a method of capturing and converting original art images into different colors and is used in various industries. Additionally, the low cost of deployment along with a longer lifespan drove the flex market and subsequently the flex printing machine market.

Image of Nitamoni, Tangla Best Banners, and Posture done here

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