
Story of shwetambar and digambar || Speech by Kajal Sah |

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Story of shwetambar and digambar || Speech by Kajal Sah | Digambara nuns, unlike the monks in their tradition, wear clothes. Given their beliefs such as non-attachment and non-possession, the Digambara tradition has held that women cannot achieve salvation (moksha) as men can, and the best a nun can achieve is to be reborn as a man in the next rebirth.

आचार्य श्री विद्यानंद जी मुनिराज - कुन्दकुन्द भारती, दिल्ली (72वां चातुर्मास)
आचार्य श्री संभव सागर जी - त्रियोगी आश्रम, सम्मेद शिखर जी, झार.
आचार्य श्री निर्मल सागर जी - गिरनार जी, गुज.
आचार्य श्री विराग सागर जी - कवि नगर, गाज़ियाबाद (उ. ...
आचार्य श्री विमल सागर जी - कमल मंदिर, महावीर जी (राज.)
shwetambar and digambar || Speech by Kajal Sah |

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