
Preposition( महरथि) English Grammar सोलोंथि

Preposition( महरथि)
Preposition नि रोखोमफोरखौ गाहायाव होनाय जाबाय.

1. Simple preposition - at, by, for, from, in, of, off, on, out, through, till, to, up, with, etc.

2. Compound preposition - about, above, below, across, along, among, around, before, behind, besides, between, inside, outside, within, without, etc.

3. Phrase preposition -  because of, to, instead of, according to, in case of, on account of, about, etc.

Preposition खौ जों माबोरै बाहायो-

1. At  नि बाहायनाय-

फिसा फेनला जायगा ,गामि,नोगोर फोरनि आगोल at बाहायनाय जायो।जेरै-

She met us at agra in U.P

Mina lives at bhergaon .

At खौ समनि बेलायाव बाहायनाय जायो।जेरै-

He came here at 8 O'clock.

He will start his work at 5 O'clock.

2. In नि बाहायनाय-

In खौ हादोरनि मुं, रायजोनि मुं आरो गिदिर  सहरफोरनि मुंनि आगोल फजनाय जायो।जेरै-

Kaanay lives in kerela.

I live in Delhi.

Jaya has been living in Kolkata for five years.

In खौ दानफोरनि मुंनि आगोल बाहायनाय जायो।जेरै- 

He will come in July.

I was born in April.

In खौ मायथायनि सिगां बाहायनाय जायो।जेरै-

He was born in 1989.

She was born in 1995.

She came in 2018.

3. On नि बाहायनाय- स्नि साननि बारायनि मुंनि सिगां on बाहायनाय जायो।जेरै-

I will go on monday.

Sita will come on Friday.

अक्ट फोरनि आगोल on बाहायनाय जायो।जेरै-

Gandhiji was born on 2nd October 

She will come back on 2nd Saturday.

4. Of नि बाहायनाय- बेरामफोरनि मुंनि आगोल of बाहायनाय जायो।जेरै:

He died of cancer.

The poor man died of cholera.

5. सानैनि गेजेराव फोरमायनोब्ला between आरो सानैनिख्रुइ बांसिनखौ फोरमायनोब्ला among बाहायनो नांगौ।जेरै-

A fight took place between the two sisters.

Distribute the books among the boys.

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